Deploying Highly Available Data Backend clusters in Amazon EC2 can be as simple as booting up 3 VM instances from NodeFabric AMI and enabling included MariaDB-Galera and Ceph data storage services.
Deploying Highly Available Data Backend clusters in Amazon EC2 can be as simple as booting up 3 VM instances from NodeFabric AMI and enabling included MariaDB-Galera and Ceph data storage services.
NodeFabric Host Image is a modular system based on RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS operating system, integrating Docker containers, Consul Service Discovery and HAProxy LoadBalancers into vertical Solution Stack.
HA Data Backend Layer
NodeFabric delivers hyperconverged database and storage solution for highly available, self-healing and load-balanced cloud services.
It can run on any virtual or physical infrastructure: Amazon EC2 cloud, Openstack and VMware private clouds or directly on bare metal.
Subcontracted for architecture and implementation of the government cloud using fully open-source solutions. G-Cloud is a central service delivering IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services. The project got the “Best Virtualuzation Solution” award at GITEX 2014 event in Dubai. Technologies include OpenStack, Zabbix, ElasticSearch, Logstash, NodeConductor, Liferay, SaltStack, Ansible and more.
This article describes how you can set up safe salt-master execution path for production salt environments.