Recent success stories

Estonian Scientific Computing Infrastructure (ETAIS)

University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics and Information Technology Foundation for Education have started from Jan 2017 a second iteration of the ETAIS project that aims to integrate the infrastructures created during the previous ETAIS project and extend the storage and archival capabilities. A brand new component of ETAIS project will be a self-service portal that allows users to access the resources regardless of their location or operating system used.

As a technology for the self-service portal, Waldur platform was chosen.

Cloud brokerage platform Waldur from OpenNode is used for binding together service providers from both academical and private sectors and offering a self-service portal to the target users - research team leaders, scientists as well as students.

Additional informational about the project is available from

Estonian Government Cloud

Estonian Government Cloud is a platform for delivery, management and auditing of IT services to the government sector in a simple yet secure way. Solution is delivered through a private-public partnership by a consortium consisting of State Infocommunication Foundation from the government side and Ericsson, Telia, Cybernetica, DELL EMC and OpenNode from the private sector.

Within the Estonian Government Cloud project OpenNode is responsible for the overall technical solution including both high level and low level designs,

Cloud brokerage platform Waldur from OpenNode is used for binding together service providers of the Estonian Government Cloud and offering a self-service portal to the target users - top and mid management of the public sector as well as system administrators from both public and private sectors.

Additional informational about the project is available from

G-Cloud in Oman

Subcontracted for architecture and implementation of the government cloud using fully open-source solutions. G-Cloud is a central service delivering IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services. The project got the “Best Virtualuzation Solution” award at GITEX 2014 event in Dubai. Technologies include OpenStack, Zabbix, ElasticSearch, Logstash, NodeConductor, Liferay, SaltStack, Ansible and more.

IaaS for a broadcasting company

Design and implementation of a public IaaS for a broadcasting company. Integrated billing and accounting, self-service for the end-customers. Technologies used include OpenNode OS, NodeConductor, WHCMS.

Estonian T2 CERN site

Building and operating an HPC data center for T2 of a CERN CMS experiment. Over 5000 cores, 1.8PB of data storage. Primarily batch processing with very high (>96%) resource utilisation. Technologies include OpenNode OS, Zabbix, HDFS, Slurm.

Devops for a Swedish rock-star SaaS

Development of the API services, setting up initial processes for internal and production infrastructure. Day-to-day operations. Primary technologies used include Flask, Slurm, Zabbix, OpenNode OS and SaltStack.

Private cloud for Oman ministry

Refactoring of the data center infrastructure of the Oman ministry. Migration from AIX/P6 based infrastructure to NodeConductor. Setup of monitoring, backup, disaster recovery and high availability for core services.

Managed operations for a logistics company

Building and operating a consolidated infrastructure for 4 branches of the company in Baltics and Russia. E-mail, intranet applications, VOIP, backup and DR.

Backend development for the language teaching SaaS

Implementation of the backend prototype for the innovative online language education solution based on machine learning and user reaction monitoring. The solution has successfully raised $1mln in a seed round.