
OpenNode AWS AMI

Following tables contain IDs of public OpenNode OS images that can be launched in Amazon EC2 Cloud.

OpenNode OS 6 x86_64 (stable)

Region AMI ID AKI ID Backing Store Updated
eu-west-1 (Ireland) ami-667d9911 aki-8b655dff EBS 21.09.2013
us-west-1 (N. California) ami-ee9eabab aki-8b655dff EBS 21.09.2013
us-west-2 (Oregon) ami-6468f754 aki-8b655dff EBS 21.09.2013
us-east-1 (N. Virginia) ami-fdaae094 aki-8b655dff EBS 21.09.2013
ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo) ami-7fbd227e aki-8b655dff EBS 21.09.2013
ap-southeast-1 (Singapore) ami-a0eaa1f2 aki-8b655dff EBS 21.09.2013
ap-southeast-2 (Sydney) ami-e359c4d9 aki-8b655dff EBS 21.09.2013
sa-east-1 (Sao Paulo) ami-419f385c aki-8b655dff EBS 21.09.2013