

vzquota binary file fmt

Field Size Offset Description
magic 4 bytes 0 Magic header
flags 4 bytes 4
bhardlimit 8 bytes 8 Absolute limit in bytes
bsoftlimit 8 bytes 16 Preferred limit in bytes
btime 8 bytes 24 Time limit for excessive disk use
bcurrent 8 bytes 32 Current bytes count
ihardlimit 4 bytes 40 Absolute limit on allocated inodes
isoftlimit 4 bytes 44 Preferred inode limit
itime 8 bytes 48 Time limit for excessive inode use
icurrent 4 bytes 56 Current # of allocated inodes
padding 4 bytes 60
bexpire 8 bytes 64 Expire timeout for excessive disk use
iexpire 8 bytes 72 Expire timeout for excessive inode use
flags 4 bytes 80 Warnings printed (0x01 - inode, 0x02 - space)
padding 4 bytes 84
path length 8 bytes 88 Length for private path string
path n bytes 96 Privat area path
ugid info ? 96+n 2-level quota info
ugid stat ? ? ugid objects
checksum 8 EOF-8 Checksum of quota file